Bleach - Kurosaki Ichigo's Sword Zangetsu

Saturday, July 12, 2014



i m going to write about k-on!! now.let's imagine that the light music members went to climb a snowy mountain for fun, what all would happen there? let's check out!!
yui: yay!!!mountain climbing!!!!
ritsu: yay!!
*ritsu and yui high five*
mio: oh brother, why the hell are we here exactly?
mugi: can i use the snow to make tea?
ritsu: me too
azusa: it feels refreshing to be with seniors wait i ll take a pic to show ui
yui: azu-nyan do u want to take a pic?
azusa: *blushes* well y...yes senior yui
ritsu: no time to wait let's climb the mountain!!!!
mio: why are u rushing ritsu?
ritsu: too excited
mugi: want some tea before climbing?
ritsu and yui: meeeeeeeeee
mio: how did she make tea here?
azusa: i was wondering that too
mugi: i used my emergency tea maker kit
mio: what?
ritsu: come on let's start climbing
yui: yes!
several hours later
mio: i m tired wont this climbing end?
ritsu: we'll reach there now
mio: why are we climbing with our instruments?
ritsu: come on it's easy
mio: oh u and mugi doesn't have to carry them
yui: we r going to do a song at the mountain summit
mio: no way
they hear a strange roar 
mio: wh h what is that?
ritsu: oh no it's the yeti
yui: u mean the monster yeti?
ritsu: yes
mio: oh no
mugi: does the yeti need tea
azusa: wat should we do now?
ritsu: chill, i always wanted to meet yeti
mio: shut up ritsu
yui: i wanna meet yeti too
roar again
azusa and mio exchange glances
mio: do it
azusa: roger
mio and azusa dragged mugi, ritsu and yui all the way downhill
ritsu: noooooo what are u doing??
yui: *SOBS*
mugi: my tea..............
mio: thank god we didn't see the yeti
azusa: we r not going there anymore
mio: let's go back
mugi, ritsu and yui: nooooooooooooooooooooo
and in the end they didn't reach the mountain summit and perform there. 

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